

Mellor Community Primary School

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. (World Health Organisation 2014)

At Mellor, linked to our vision statement, Be The Best You Can Be, we are determined to continue to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. We believe in teamwork; working with each other, with teachers and colleagues across the school, with the wider school community and most importantly with the young people in our school. We act with determination and resilience. Whatever issues our students, their families, the school, our team or the community face, we always support, react and pull together. Finally, we are committed to making a difference; we are not passive players in young people’s lives but active participants who can and do make a real difference. We aim to support our pupils with their protected factors, reduce the risk factors and build resilience and coping strategies to be used into adulthood.


Mental Health and Wellbeing Policies

Mental Health and Wellbeing Highlights

Mental Health Awareness Day


Charity - Guide Dogs 

Anti-Bullying Week 

One Kind Word


To raise awareness, we all wore an item which was yellow! We learnt why it is important to look after our mental health and how to support each other. 

Helping others can really boost our mental health. We raised money for Guide Dogs UK, watched a talk and got to meet a guide dog user and ask questions.

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, the message was One Kind Word. We had an assembly which looked at the science behind what being kind does to our mental health! 

Wellbeing Champions (pupil voice)


Positive Peaceful Places Award

*Return of Funnington!*

 Parent Mental Health Updates



Our Wellbeing Champions have been busy! They have created inspirational posters for each classroom, been trained in ELSA (how to resolve conflict) and designed a home school challenge! 


 We have successfully obtained the Positive Peaceful Places award! They were impressed with our positive, friendly feel, the behaviour and the pride the children have in the school! 

 Please click below for our mental health update posters!

Child Support


Childline - Calm Zone

There are lots of ways to feel calmer. It's about finding what works for you. Try some of our breathing exercises, activities, games and videos to help let go of stress.

Cosmic Yoga for Kids

Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for kids. Interactive adventures which build strength, balance and confidence - and get kids into yoga and mindfulness early!

Parent Support

Healthy Together and your Public Health School Nursing Service

Healthy Together is a universal service from Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust for children and their families from 0-19 in Leicester City.

Your Public Health School Nursing Service
Public Health (School) Nurses from Healthy Together are available to help you and your child in many different ways. You can find help and support with:
•    Behaviour
•    Continence
•    Physical health
•    Emotional health
•    Parenting
•    Healthy lifestyles
•    Diet and nutrition
•    Plus much more
Your Public Health (School) Nursing team can be contacted via your child’s school, or alternatively you can find the contact details by selecting your child’s school from the drop down list on our Health for Kids: Grownups website.

Discover more about the school nursing team here.


ChatHealth is a confidential text messaging service provided by Healthy Together that enables parents and carers to contact their Public Health (School) Nursing team for advice and support. You can get in touch for advice and guidance about any aspect of your child’s physical or emotional health.

Text a Public Health (School) Nurse on: 07520 615 381
The service operates between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. The team aim to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate message back to confirm your message has been received.
If you need help before you hear back, you should visit your local walk-in centre, GP or call 111. In an emergency, call 999.

Health for Kids

Health for Kids enables primary school aged children to learn about health in a fun and interactive way. With different worlds to explore and content, games, videos, quizzes and animations to enjoy across topics including health, feelings, illness and getting help, children can sit and learn with parents, carers, grandparents, siblings and teachers in a fun and safe online environment.

Visit Health for Kids at: www.healthforkids.co.uk


Health for Kids: Grownups

Health for Kids: Grownups is an extension of our Health for Kids platform, providing health related advice and information specifically for parents and carers of children aged 5-11. Content is available across many topics around the four main areas of Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Health Issues and Getting Help.

Grownups can also access localised information, including news, local services and public health (school) nurse contact details in the dedicated Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland area that can be accessed when you first visit the website.

Visit Health for Kids: Grownups- https://www.healthforkids.co.uk/grownups

You can also keep up-to-date with the latest posts, advice and information by following our Health for Kids social platforms:

Twitter- @healthforkids1

Facebook- @healthforkids1

Instagram- @healthforkidsgrownups

Useful websites

Please click the images to be directed to the website. 

National mental health charity.

Tel: 0300 123 3393 (weekdays 9am-5pm)
Text: 86463
Email: info@mind.org

Childline is a service that’s run by the NSPCC. We’re here to support every child or young person in the UK.

Tel: 0800 1111

Charity committed to improving emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people, and empowering parents and carers.

Tel: 0808 802 5544 (weekdays 9.30am-4pm)





Offers support, information and advice to children, young people and adults when someone dies.

Tel: 0808 808 1677 (weekdays 9am-5pm)
Email: helpline@cruse.org.uk

Children’s mental health charity.

Tel: 0207 794 2313
Email: info@annafreud.org

Drinkline, a free, confidential helpline for people who are concerned about their drinking, or someone else's.

Tel: 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am–8pm, weekends 11am–4pm)




Friendly, confidential advice about drugs. 

Tel: 0300 123 6600

Text: 82111 

Email: frank@talktofrank.com


Designed to help with anxiety, stress, anxiety-based depression or a phobia which is affecting your daily life. 

Tel: 03444775774

Text: 07537416905

Support for eating disorders

Tel: 0808 801 0677
Email: help@beateatingdisorders.org.uk

 Useful Apps

 Please click the images to be directed to the website. 


Interactive mood diary for monitoring, understanding and improving emotional wellbeing.

Teaches mindfulness meditation principles to improve wellbeing.

Aims to help young people who have lost someone feel less alone, and gives information on where they can get more support.



