Wellbeing Champions
Meet the Team
Say hello to the Wellbeing Champions!
We are 9 eager and enthusiastic children who are ready to help improve mental health and wellbeing at Mellor!
The Wellbeing Champions are a combination of Year 5 and 6 children who are committed to improve mental health and wellbeing at Mellor. We had to complete an application form and a short interview on why we would be effective wellbeing champions.
The Wellbeing Champions have to show many character traits including empathy, compassion, friendship and manners.
Our role includes helping other children on the playground using ELSA, thinking of new ways to improve wellbeing at Mellor and being role models to the other children. You can spot who we are by looking out for our lanyard!
We are passionate about supporting everyone and making every be the best they can be!
Report to Governors
Spring Term 23/24
This half term, we have been busy creating activities for Children’s Mental Health week. Sony shared some resources and we shared the activities with the teachers. There are posters to support wellbeing for parents and children. We have also created a home school challenge where classes create jokes. We will choose the winners to display on our wellbeing board. We looked at how to do random acts of kindness and have a bingo card to encourage children to be kind. Also, we created some survey questions to see how children are enjoying the try something new activities! We will give this to the teachers and the children next half term.
Autumn Term 23/24
Being a well-being champion is great because we get to learn about mental health and wellbeing, help people in our school and contribute to meetings and share exciting ideas. So far, we have done a workshop which looked at helping, doing some wellbeing activities such as laughing yoga and acting out animals. We will look at sharing this with everyone in the school. We have created wellbeing boxes to share with children at Mellor to help them feel calm and relaxed when they need it. Our lanyards have ELSA on it and we are using it to keep ourselves calm and help other children on the playground and in Funnington. We are going to be selling poppies to raise money for the Royal British Legion as it feels good to help others in need. We look forward to helping everyone with their wellbeing!
Summer Term 22/23
We have had a busy half term improving mental health and wellbeing across the school. We have created a wellbeing activity tracker to keep everyone fit and healthy and has been sent out to staff! Some examples are walking to school, doing star jumps every day and telling a funny joke to a friend. Also, we have been working on a wellbeing assembly that looks at the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. This is finished and it will be shared with all the children and parents! We have some money left over from the kindness grant and we are looking to spend it on children’s toys for a charity or for pupils at Mellor who have additional needs. Finally, we are looking at a home school challenge to improve children’s aspirations through inspiration to give to teachers next half term.
Spring 22/23
For Christmas, we made care packages for a local care home to share some kindness! We put in shampoo, soap, gloves and socks. We wrapped them up into a nice package and wrote positive messages for them. We are all really proud of what we did. We created a home school challenge for the school which is an Eat Well plate and we shared this with the school. This has helped children choose a balanced diet and make healthy choices. We have been looking after children on the playground using ELSA. We have not had much practice at this but that is a good thing!
Autumn 22/23
We are 10 eager and enthusiastic children who are ready to help the school with their mental health and wellbeing! In our first meeting of the year, we met each other and talked about how to spend a £250 grant for an act of kindness. We are going to put together a care package for a local care home full of items such as board games and hot drink packets. We have created a home school challenge to encourage healthy eating by making the children create an Eat Well plate. This will be shared very soon! We will have lanyards so people know who we are and we will be trained to help other children on the playground. We cannot wait to help everyone in the school!
Wellbeing Boxes
Our Wellbeing Champions have created wellbeing boxes for pupils at Mellor to use when they need it. These are filled with a range of different resources such as calming books, fidget toys, colouring in sheets and soft plushies that show our emotions.
Laughing Yoga Sessions
We have a fantastic time in our assembly which involved doing some laughing yoga from a company called Inspirate! Our Wellbeing Champions were involved in an additional session to learn about the different techniques and strategies they can use to remain calm.
Fundraising - The Great British Legion
Wellbeing Champions supported the selling of poppies across the school for Remembrance Day. We raised an incredible £132.78! Well done to everyone!
Projects 2022 - 2023
Kindness Grant
We applied and were successful in achieving a kindness grant for £250! The Wellbeing Champions thought of and created care boxes for our local care home. This included gloves, socks and handmade written jokes and riddles!
ELSA - Conflict Resolution
The 2022-2023 Wellbeing Champions have recently been trained in using ELSA - Exhale, Listen, Share and Agree - to resolve small conflicts on the playground. This builds up independence and empathy.
Raising money for Great British Legion
For Remembrance Day, Wellbeing Champions were involved in selling poppies to raise money. We raised around £250.99.
Home School Challenges
The Wellbeing Champions thought some exciting home school challenges! See below for more information.
Eat Well Plate - children were encouraged to create a meal which includes a balanced diet.
Four wellbeing activities for half term - Healthy Eating, Showing Kindness, Thank you card and Tell a Joke!
Wellbeing Activity Tracker
The Wellbeing Champions have created an activity tracker for wellbeing. Once a child has completed a task, they can write their name or initials! Every little bit helps!
5 Ways to Wellbeing Assembly
We have put together a wellbeing assembly based on the 5 ways to wellbeing. You can watch it below:
Projects 2021 - 2022
"When The Going Gets Tough.." Display
Wellbeing Champions set a home school challenge for children to think about coping strategies for when they get stressed. These were put on a communal display.
Conflict Resolution
Wellbeing Champions have a lanyard to be identified. They are trained in ELSA (Exhale, Listen, Share and Agree) to resolve conflicts on the playground.
Motivational quotes
Wellbeing Champions researched into motivational quotes and these are displayed outside each classroom.
Raising money for Great British Legion
For Remembrance Day, Wellbeing Champions were involved in selling poppies to raise money. We raised around £160.
Mystery Plant Pots
Wellbeing Champions researched into calming plants and each classroom have received a plant pot. Once they have flowered, they will be put into the calm area.
Fundraising - MIND charity
The Wellbeing Champions raised money for the mental health charity MIND. Jasmine kindly donated a hamper and we raised money through a raffle. We raised just under £100 for a great charity!
Wellbeing Champions on X
The Wellbeing Champions have created a wellbeing activity tracker for each classroom. There are 6 wellbeing tasks to do. Once they have done one, they can sign their name! Every little bit helps! #wellbeing #mentalhealth #healthybody pic.twitter.com/r0L4CT5zZR
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) May 23, 2023
Our Wellbeing Champions have been busy in making a hamper for our a local care home. It included gloves, shower gel and tissues! It's so important to be kind!#actofkindness #wellbeing #champions #helpothers pic.twitter.com/11ExgdWyFZ
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) January 10, 2023
Our Wellbeing Champions have been trained in ELSA to help resolve small conflicts on the playground. This helps build independence and empathy.
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) January 10, 2023
ELSA stands for: Exhale, Listen, Share and Agree. #Wellbeing #Champions #Empathy #Independence pic.twitter.com/KTwrmvw8XE