

Mellor Community Primary School

Sports Leaders

Meet the Team

We are Mellor Sports Leaders!

The Sports Leaders are a team of Year 5 and 6 children who have a passion for Sport and getting active. We are often children who have taken part in afterschool clubs and teams or who have shown a special interest in this area.

We have to complete an application form and give it to Liz, Corey and Tina who select the Sports Leaders. The application form states that Mellor Sports Leaders must show these qualities at all times:

Responsible, Active, Committed, Approachable, Teamwork, Able to work with younger children, Helpful, Role Model

We have to say why we think we would make a great Mellor Sports Leader.

Year 5 Leaders are recruited in the Autumn term and they continue with their job into Year 6.

The Sports Leaders assist at Sports events across the school year. This has included supporting younger and SEND children during our Mini-Olympic Sports Afternoons in Sports Week and setting up equipment, running Paralympic activities alongside Liz for all year groups 1-6, helping to run whole school charity runs such as Race at Our Place where we run warm-ups and cool-downs, marshal the event and encourage the children to get around the course.


Report to Governors

Spring Term 23/24

The Year 5 sports leader have started to help in the ball court and Funnington at lunchtimes with Year 6. We are finding this fun and educational. We continue the sports club posters, and we will try to finish them soon. In the future some Year 5 sports leaders are planning to go to a special sports leader training event with Liz and Corey. Also, Year 5 and 6 will receive additional training from Corey after half term to finish another unit in out sports leader booklets.

Autumn Term 23/24 

Year 5 children were asked to apply to become a Sports Leader to work alongside the current Year 6 Sports Leaders. We wrote out an application for Liz, Corey and Tina. On these applications, we had to explain why we are a good role model, how we would help develop younger children in sports around the school and we had to give examples of how we are respectful. Our first task as Sports leaders was getting our photos taken for the display which is now updated. Our next step for Year 5 is to complete our training modules with Corey and meetings have been set up. Year 6 have continued with their lunchtime duties. The next time we meet, we will discuss our project ideas for this year.

Summer Term 22/23

Since our last report, we have been working in Funnington and the Ball Court during lunchtimes to help out with the games.

We have also worked with Corey to plan an advertising campaign to encourage more children to take part in after-school clubs and Mellor Sports as a result. We hope to also work with the Digital Leaders to create QR codes for these. These will then be put up around school and sent out to parents.

We have given out the Daily Boost Trophies for the Spring term to the most active classes and will be doing the same towards the end of this term for the Summer term activity plus finding out who has been the overall champions of each phase over the year.

We helped out at the Race at Our Place by leading warm-ups, running as ‘hares’ for the first lap and then marshalling all participants. We also helped to greet the parent visitors and escort them to and from the race site. Finally, we collected all the equipment and helped Liz tidy up!

We are hoping to help out with running the Paralympic Activities this year during P.E. lessons and Corey is going to train us to run activities to support the class teachers.

Spring Term 22/23 - Sports Leader Update

Since our last report, we have held a meeting with Corey about the Sports Leaders helping out at lunchtimes in the ball court to help out with the games. This started after Christmas. We also met with Liz and talked about how to help others get active inside Funnington. All of us have now completed our Sports Leader training module with Corey. Also we have given out the Daily Boost trophies for the most active classes in the school for the Autumn term.

Autumn 22/23 - Sports Leaders Update

Year 5 children were asked to apply to become a Sports Leader to work alongside the current Year 6 Sports Leaders. We wrote out an application for Liz, Corey and Tina. On these applications, we had to explain why we are a good role model, how we would help develop younger children in sports around the school and we had to give examples of how we are respectful. Our first task as Sports leaders was getting our photos taken for the display. Our next step for Year 5 and Year 6 is to complete our training with Corey. The next time we meet, we will discuss our project ideas for this year.


Sports Leaders 23-24

As Sports Leaders, we would like to improve the fitness of the children in our school by encouraging them to get active every day! We are continuing with our Daily Boost Project from last year and celebrating the classes that complete the most active minutes each term! New Sportivators have been voted in by each class and they are championing the project in their classes.

This year, we want to add to the Daily Boost activity by encouraging the children in our school to attend after-school sports clubs. We have decided to start a poster campaign to promote the clubs we have at school. The posters will go up around school and we may also be able to scan them to send them out electronically to parents.

We are also going to look at creating some Daily Boost posters to continue encouraging classes to take part every day!

In addition to this, our newly selected Year 5 Sports Leaders have started to help out with lunchtime duties in the ball court and in Funnington to support with active games. We are also taking part in training with Corey and the Year 5’s are also attending a special enhanced leadership training course in the Spring term.

Sports Leaders 22-23

Daily Boost Project
As Sports Leaders, we would like to improve the fitness of the children in our school by encouraging them to get active every day!
We think we have come up with a solution. We want to reward classes who have done the most amount of Daily Boosts each term with a trophy – similar to the attendance trophy but termly to allow for the data to be sent to Liz. We would like to buy a trophy for each phase group to maximise the motivation across the school.
There will be 4 trophies (17cm tall) engraved with:
EYFS Daily Boost Champions
Year 1/2 Daily Boost Champions
Year 3/4 Daily Boost Champions
Year 5/6 Daily Boost Champions

In addition to this, we have created a job for a child in each class called the ‘Daily Boost Sportivator’. Their role is to remind their teacher to do the Daily Boost every day and to encourage their classmates to take part in different activities. We have designed a badge for them to wear so that they feel proud to have that job and it gives them an identity.
Here is our design:


This project has been running since Autumn Term 2023 and so far we have 95% of the classes taking part!
The Autumn term champions were:
EYFS Daily Boost Champions – NAMJP and N/RHC
Year 1/2 Daily Boost Champions – 2AW
Year 3/4 Daily Boost Champions – 4EB
Year 5/6 Daily Boost Champions – 6GH

The Spring term champions are to be announced shortly!

Sports Leaders 21-22

So far, the Year 6 Sports Leaders have all completed part of the Sports Leader Training virtually with Corey. This would normally have been face to face training with Leicester City School Sport and Physical Activity Network but they have provided virtual training for this year and last year.

This year we have also been organising how we are going to help the Lunchtime Supervisors deliver different activities to pupils in Funnington. We will use our Sports Leader training to support this.

We have also discussed and are planning to send out a home school challenge called ‘Get caught playing sport!’. To start this off, we will put photographs of us doing different sports at home on display. We will add a few sentences about who we are and what we are doing to help inspire others to be active at home and to take part in the challenge.

We are also going to start writing mini reports to put on our School Games Board so the school knows what we are doing to be active as a school and what happens at different events.

We are going to create a job in each class to support with running the Daily Boost. There will be badges for the children with the job and trophies for the class who does the most Daily Boost minutes in each term! We have managed to sort out costs for our Daily Boost trophies and badges and Nik has agreed that we can purchase them next term. We hope that this job and trophy system will encourage more children to be active every day!

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