Digital Leaders
Meet the Team
We are the Mellor Digital Leaders!
We are a team of 9 enthusiastic and proactive KS2 pupils, who are keen to assist with technology and also promote and drive e-Safety at Mellor.
The team consists of year 5 and 6 pupils who completed an application form, practical test and a short interview to become a Digital Leader, new Digital Leaders are recruited in the summer term.
The team meet once a week and have taken part in a range of projects that you see in the Projects section below. Our role involves assisting staff and pupils with setting up equipment and with general IT issues.
Report to Governors
Spring Term 23/24
We are still continuing with our weekly meetings with our IT manager. This term we have been practising and rehearsing for the Safer Internet Day assemblies as Safer Internet Day was Tuesday 6th February. We shared information to the whole school during their phase assemblies. The theme this year was ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’.
We are now using Micro:Bits with the aim of delivering assemblies to KS2 on what they are and how they can be used.
Autumn Term 23/24
Towards the end of the Summer term, we had the chance to recruit the next set of Digital Leaders. We were able to assess their computing skills with a short task and also asked questions on how they would support their peers across the school. From this, we now have 9 Digital Leaders who are committed and regularly attend weekly meetings! One of our key priorities is to work with our ICT manager in developing our knowledge of using Micro:Bits. We are now practising using the robot kits so we can share it with teachers and children in our phase assemblies.
As we have subscribed to the Now Press Play headphones, we recently had training through Zoom with the company to support us in becoming a ‘Spark’. This means we are now trained to set up the wireless headphones for teachers, check the equipment and provide technical support when necessary
Reports to Governors 22/23
Summer Term 22/23
We recently visited Soar Valley and met with the Computing teacher who held an introduction to a micro bit lesson. During the visit, we used the Make Code website to block programming code and light up the display of the micro bit using a design of our choice. We also learnt how to use variables, if/and/or and repeat commands to program the micro bit so that it displays a new pattern if the A, B or A & B buttons are pressed. In the session we learnt how to connect the micro bit to a PC and how to transfer the code we have complied to the micro bit. The teacher also took time to explain to us the Computing activities secondary pupils do such as Python and C++ coding language. After our visit to Soar Valley we continued to build on our knowledge of using micro bits and have completed the Make Code projects; name tag, smiley buttons and countdown.
In school we have continued work on our entries for the Young Coders competition on producing our own games using Scratch. We are also working on an e-safety quiz for EYFS/KS1 and KS2 in small teams. Using Scratch, we have been working in our teams to compile code for the quiz and also using our debugging skills whenever our code isn’t quite working as expected.
Spring Term 22/23
We have been responsible for delivering key messages from our meetings back to children in our classes and across the school. One of our key roles is to understand how different devices work and how to put the equipment away safely. We have an in-depth knowledge of E-safety which is at the core of computing. We have continued our Microsoft Excel project and have also learnt how to use formulae to produce graphs that illustrated data from the World Cup. We have also been helping setup a laptop with the A/V trolley in the main hall for phase assemblies, as well as monitoring the ICT Suite and reporting back any issues with computers. Finally, we have prepared and rehearsed a Safer Internet Day assembly with the theme; ‘Want to talk about it’ and delivered Safer Internet Day assemblies to all classes using PowerPoint presentations
Autumn Term 22/23
We have been meeting with the ICT manager every Thursday for training. Year 5 digital leaders have been recruited this year and we have looked at making sure everyone in the group has updated skills to support our peers across the school.
With Hemant, we have been looking at the schools’ online subscriptions and have been provided with information on how to support classes with reporting issues or helping them log on. We have also learnt how to set up iPads and how to connect to wireless speakers. One of the key training elements was looking at a dismantled PC, looking at components and then having the opportunity to remove and attach parts again.
We are going to be looking at understanding MS Excel and how to use basic add, subtract and multiply functions. We are also looking forward to supporting phase leaders with setting up a laptop to the projector to deliver their assemblies.
BBC Micro:Bits Drop in Session
The Digital Leaders used their expertise to run a teacher CPD session on how to use Micro: Bits in the classroom. The digital leaders were able to provide clear step by step instructions. This drop in was well received and staff!
Our Digital Leaders held an interactive CPD session for teachers sharing step by step instructions on how to use Micro:bits! 👩🏽💻#Computing #aspirations
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) June 22, 2023
Young Coders Competition
This term the DL have continued work on their entries for the Young Coders competition on producing their own games using Scratch. The DLs divided into two teams to create a multiple choice e-Safety quiz for EYFS/KS1 and KS2, in their groups the pupils put together a list of multiple choice questions aimed at the key stage the quiz is for. Using Scratch the DLs have been working in their teams to compile code for the quiz and also using their debugging skills whenever their code isn’t quite working as expected, the pupils are on course to complete and submit their games before the deadline at the end of this term.
You can play the quizzes the Digital Leader created below:
EYFS & KS1: Team Aesthetics
KS2: Team Scratchers
Soar Valley College Visit
The Digital Leaders visited Soar Valley and met with the Computing teacher Nina who held an introduction to micro bit lesson. Using the Make Code website the DLs used block programming code to light up the display of the micro bit using a design of their choice. The DLs learnt how to use variables, if/and/or and repeat commands to program the micro bit so that it displays a new pattern if the A, B or A & B buttons are pressed. DLs also learnt how to connect the micro bit to a PC and how to transfer code they have complied to the micro bit. Nina also took time to explain to the DLs the Computing activities secondary pupils do such as Python and C++ coding language.
Safer Internet Day 2022
Mellor Digital Leaders presented 2 assemblies to Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 all about Safer Internet Day. View the assemblies below:
Key Stage 1:
Key Stage 2:
3D Printing Project
Mellor Digital Leaders had the opportunity to use a 3D printer which was loaned to the school for 1 month. The Digital Leaders decided to create their own 3D Digital Leaders badge, learn how it was created by watching this video:
Digital Leaders on X
Our Digital Leaders had a great time meeting Catherine Junior school's Digital Leaders! The children shared how to use Micro:Bits and enjoyed networking with another school! #Mircrobits @microbit_edu
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) May 23, 2024
Mellor Digital Leaders delivered two 'Introduction to Microbits' assemblies to all KS2 classes #DigitalLeaders explained what a #Microbit is, what it can do & completed a live demonstration of the smiley buttons project! @microbit_edu @codeorg @MSMakeCode #Computing #coding 🖥️👩💻
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) May 8, 2024
Digital Leaders presented Safer Internet Day assemblies to classes this week, with the theme 'Inspiring Change'. Pupils learnt how to respond to changes they see online & what to do if things go wrong. We look forward to celebrating @UK_SIC next week & completing activities! 👩💻🛟
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) February 2, 2024
Mellor Digital Leaders are delighted to have received their Spark badges from @nowpressplay following on from the training they received 😎
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) November 3, 2023
The #DigitalLeaders are looking forward to supporting staff and pupils with using the headphones at Mellor! 🎧
Our Digital Leaders are excited to support teachers in using the #pinkheadphones after their Sparks Chat and training today! @nowpressplay 🎧
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) October 5, 2023
Mellor #DigitalLeaders had a productive afternoon today training the new recruits on how to use BBC Micro:Bits 💻 #Computing
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) September 14, 2023
Digital Leaders on X 22-23
Digital Leaders visited Soar Valley College this morning & met with Computing teacher Mrs Mistry. Pupils were given an introduction to programming using Microbits & MakeCode they enjoyed creating their own algorithms to change the LED display to their own design! #Computing
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) April 26, 2023
Mellor Digital Leaders successfully presented #SaferInternetDay assemblies to all pupils.
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) February 7, 2023
We learnt about how useful the internet can be and also what to do when things go wrong & who to speak to, the key message was; Want to talk about it? 🗣️🌐😊💻 @UK_SIC @LGfLDigiSafe
Our Mellor #DigitalLeaders have created a #WorldCup spreadsheet using #MSExcel and have been using formulas to calculate data from the tournament, they have then presented the data using graphs in Excel. ⚽️💻
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) December 1, 2022
Our Mellor Digital Leaders have been busy learning about all of the different components of a PC and what functions they provide. They all had the opportunity to disassemble and reassemble a computer! #computing #digitalleaders #practicalcomputing 🖥️ 🪛
— Mellor Community Primary School (@mellorschool) September 30, 2022