

Mellor Community Primary School

Curriculum Area

Subject Information

As a Local Authority maintained school, we follow the National Curriculum  for Key Stages one and two and the Local Leicester Agreed Syllabus and Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. In our Nursery and Reception classes, we follow the EYFS Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Our broad and balanced curriculum takes account of the local context of the school. We have identified barriers to learning and have generated six core areas which we believe are important for all of our children, which we embed throughout, these are as follows;

  1. Health and wellbeing including safety
  2. Creativity and first-hand experience
  3. Community and learning through our local area
  4. Aspirations and deep learning
  5. Oracy, vocabulary and pupil voice
  6. Character development and positive attitudes to behaviour

We have also focused on developing a knowledge-rich curriculum, recognising that the more our children know the more they can learn.   We deliberately plan for and sequence key concepts (those big ideas) across our curriculum, which in turn helps children to deepen their understanding of each subject.  We revisit these key concepts across year groups and a range of contexts to ensure progression over time and to support children in transferring and applying these concepts to new situations. We want children to remember the knowledge they are taught rather than merely encountering it.

Finally, we recognise and prioritise the importance of reading as the key to unlocking this curriculum and ultimately in improving our children’s future academic achievement, wellbeing and success.

For more detail about what we teach in each subject please visit the links below.





P.E & Sport




Art & Design




Religious Education (RE)

Design & Technology